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Session: Materials Processing, Tribology and Coating Technology

  Processing techniques used in manufacturing components from metals and other materials.

Casting, forming, and machining.

Additive processing and joining technologies.

Evolution of material properties under the specific conditions met in manufacturing processes.

Design and behavior of equipment and tools

Effects of processing parameters on the macro- and micro-properties of all engineering materials.

Innovations/ Improvements in processing techniques of all types of engineering materials including sustainability.

Surface treatments and coatings deposition, functionalization, modelling and characterization

Interface and interaction science, adhesion and Adhesives

Multi-functional, composite/ hybrid, graded and multilayers coatings

Smart surfaces and coatings, Self-healing surfaces

Surface nanoengineering, nanocoatings and Ultra-Thin Films

Tribological coatings, wear and corrosion protection

Surface engineering/ coatings in sustainable energy, conversion, optical, electric, photovoltaic and magnetic applications

Biointerfaces, Biomedical/ Bioactive surfaces and coatings

The Joint International Conference on Applied Physics and Materials Applications & Applied Magnetism and Ferroelectrics (ICAPMA-JMAG-2021)

December 1 - 4, 2021, Pattaya, Thailand



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